Beautiful and Bold Bird Bouquets

I am so excited to share my latest wall adornments with y’all today! After painting my dining room, I felt like the wall space on either side of the china cabinet needed a little extra oomph than before…something with more color to contrast the white walls.

You may also remember that I previously had a pair of lovely bright green hydrangea botanicals from Urban Garden Prints hanging in this space. I loved that pop of color there but after painting the walls white, the area needed almost double the visual impact and scale.

Look at those colors next to the ginger jar! They are so complimentary!

All My Favorite Colors!

When Urban Garden Prints shared an instagram revealing their latest bird bouquet prints (pair here and here), I gasped at the vivid colors! It was the perfect way to incorporate color, traditional elements, but in a modern approach on my walls.

Look at how the bright pinks and blues look next to the bright pink and turquoise china! It’s like they were made for each other!

I recently framed and hung these gorgeous pieces and I am so pleased at how these fill the white walls while allowing bright colors to stand out. These are a true example of what I love about Urban Garden Prints. They take the traditional, chinoiserie elements and re-imagine them for today’s style with bright, bold colors. That’s exactly how I would describe my taste and Urban Garden Prints does an incredible job of making these prints on trend, yet timeless.

More to Come….

I’ll be sharing more about my entire collection of Urban Garden Prints in the coming days. You’ll see where I decided to hang those pretty green hydrangeas 🙂

Get the Look…

You can shop these bird bouquet prints individually or in pairs! And we all love a good sale! Today, they are buy one get one 60% off! Talk about a deal! Linking them all here:

Here are the exact frames I used. At this posting time, they are half off or buy one get one free! Another great sale! They come in a variety of sizes! I used command strips to hang them on my walls.

You have to seize these sales today! Where are you going to hang your bird bouquets?!


I'm Anna Louise and I love designing, creating and sharing. Whether it's planning a gathering with friends, decorating a space in my home, or coordinating the perfect outfit--they're all areas I love adding my own style and flair! So let's move some furniture around, try on some clothes, set a pretty table, and have a great time!


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