I love a crisp, white bed with a touch of color. It’s what I did in our bedroom. When it came time to doing it on our guest bedroom, I went the economical route and find some bargains on Amazon!
The coverlet is actually a hand me down from our bedroom. I truly love this coverlet! The diamond quilt adds texture and dimension while still being lightweight.

Shams and Duvet
I knew I wanted a folded duvet at the end of the bed, and this set is perfect. It’s a soft sateen and has a two inch flange for a finishing touch. It comes with standard shams and I use those as shams on the additional sleeping pillows.

I also bought the euro shams. I prefer seeing big square pillows lined up on a bed. These were a good price and so good that I’m considering monogramming them. They are plain with white flange and perfect for it!

Additional Bedding Items
For sheets, I use these scallop sheets from Lands End. The edge adds a touch of sweetness and the sateen is crisp, soft and cooling for guests.
On this bed, I also have a knit blanket under the coverlet, and, of course, a fluffy duvet. These were items I’ve had in my linen closet for years and always on the guest bed. I’m linking some very nice options here from Amazon.
Be sure to see my Bedding storefront on Amazon and explore more Amazon finds in my store!