One of my favorite things about our community on the internet is sharing design ideas, thoughts, and decors items. Since so many of us have similar style, I’m going to bet we have similar design dilemmas. That’s why I want to share design boards with inspiration for YOUR spaces. That’s right, I’ll create a design board based on one of your spaces.
I’m committed to doing one a month and I’ll be sharing the design board on the blog with thoughts, suggestions, ideas, and sources. However, the first preview of the design board will go to email subscribers first.
My hope is that this will be a catalog of inspiration; as more design boards are built for y’all and saved on my website, you’ll be able to scroll for ideas and inspiration and even save them to pinterest so you can reference later, too!
So let’s start with a design board that I’m using for inspiration for the eating area in our living room.

The Anchor
I previously shared on instagram that I would love to skirt this breakfast room table and I’m still leaning towards that. I adore this space by Mallory Mathison; I probably won’t make mine quite as formal as this is our casual eating area. To anchor the wall, I would love to find a sideboard at an estate sale. The height would be visible over the table and it will provide a surface for lamps. I enjoy turning on the lamps on this wall for dim light when we are hanging in the open living area during the evening; just a touch of light and ambience when the overhead chandelier is off.
Speaking of lamps, I envision a pop of coral on the piece of wood furniture. This will bring out the coral in the drapes in the living room and carry that color over into the space. Here’s a few large scale coral lamps.
I prefer the look of a modern lamp on a wood piece of furniture for the perfect fresh and update look; however, I prefer a pleated lampshade for the traditional touch.
Don’t forget the finishing touch of finials and a lucite base if needed.
I prefer the 8″ round lucite base for most of my lamps, FYI. It’s the last one in the grouping below:
Amazon also has a wonderful selection of finials; I have them saved in my Amazon Storefront Lamp Finials.

Here are lamps in my home that may serve as a helpful example of my lamp formula: modern lamp + traditional shade + finials + lucite base = stylish combination

The Mirror
I would love to have a big mirror reflecting the room on this wall; its the far wall when you enter the front door and this could really make the wall a feature and draw you in. I already have a gold pagoda mirror that might be just perfect. It will all depend on what sideboard I find! I love how the pagoda mirror adds a touch of chinoiserie. Here’s a few pagoda and gold mirrors that may interest you as well.
Wall Decor
Depending on how big/long the sideboard is, I’m going to want some sort of art on the walls on the side. I love how a plate wall adds dimension. Large platters with wall sconces will do just the trick!
You can absolutely use your own platters! I so enjoy using clients special china, particularly if it never gets used otherwise. Might as well put it on display!
I’m leaning towards blue and white for the platters on the wall; it’s always right! Adds traditional feel and calming colors. Check out my blue and white Amazon storefront:

Table and Chairs
I love my current round table in here and I’m definitely leaning towards skirting it with a glass top. I’ll pick out fabric and have that made. For chairs, I think it might depend on what I find at estate sales, but I’m leaning towards some thing classic, chippendale.
Submit Your Design Dilemma
One thing that I’m looking forward to in this series is that we will all be able to comment and share more ideas with each other! I can’t wait to see what y’all have up your sleeve! If you want to submit a design dilemma be sure to email me at You may be next month’s feature!