I bought this $18 purse organizer back in 2018. If I love something as much as the day I bought it five years ago, you know it’s good!
Purse Organizer

I have size medium in beige in the purse organizer. I’ve used it for all my purses over the past 5 years!
Here’s a few things I love about this purse organizer:
- several compartments. It’s like when you organize a drawer and little things have their own home inside. This allows little things like sunglasses, wallet, checkbook, lipstick, etc. to have their own secure spot.
- no more digging into a deep abyss. Without a purse organizer, you’re scooping around aimlessly hoping you find the item you’re looking for. With this organizer, even if I’m blindly sticking my hand inside to grab something, each item its standing up right and I can feel for it and find it easily. For example, my lipstick; it’s standing up in it’s pocket next to the tylenol. I can feel what that top feels like rather than searching for it rolling around in the bottom.
- light color. I have always searched for handbags that are a lined in a light color. It makes look inside so much easier! This purse organizer comes in many colors, but I recommend a lighter one.
- affordable. An $18 item that I’ve used everyday for 5 years that’s made my life so much easier. No brainer.