As we’ve been updating our home, we’ve been investing in quality materials. We’ve lived the cheap (meaning poor quality) phase of our lives and those items didn’t last long. Our mattress selection is a prime example of that. We’ve been married 11 years and in ten of those years, we went through two very cheap mattresses for our bedroom. The first cheap mattress wore out with valleys of where we slept and we bought another very cheap mattress. As if we didn’t learn our lesson the first time, we bought another cheap mattress. Last year, as I was redecorating our bedroom and investing in real, quality items to last a very, very long time (proper blackout window dressing, functional bedside tables, etc), we decided it was also time to invest in our sleep. I was waking up with a lower back ache every morning. I’m too young for that! It was time to make a change.
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Partnering with Engineered Sleep
At that time, Engineered Sleep reached out to partner. I did my research and was extremely pleased with the company, materials, and thoroughly enjoyed the shopping experience for the ES Duo. We’ve had the ES Duo for over a year and we look forward to getting in bed every night! We spend a ton of time in our bedroom. We go to bed early and we frequently sip our coffee in bed. I know that’s because we took the time to choose the best furnishings for the space, and having a proper mattress is a big reason we spend so much time hanging out in bed. Read more about the shopping experience and our mattress review here.
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Partnering with Engineered Sleep AGAIN
We’re still on the journey of investing in proper furnishings for the rest of our home and one area we’ve been focusing on is our guest bedroom. It’s received the “leftovers” our entire married life. With both our families out of town and spending the night when they come visit, we really want this space to feel like home for them. A private little suite that feels welcoming and an enjoyable place to stay.
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The mattress needed dire attention. It was a hand me down mattress (who knows how old it was) and I had topped it with some type of foam topper and a super thick oversized and extra padded mattress protector to make it comfortable. Layers upon layers in an attempt to provide sleep for our guests. Knowing how much we LOVE the ES Duo, it was an easy choice to turn to Engineered Sleep for this room, too!
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Because this is our guest room, we did not need something quite as luxurious as the ES Duo, but we wanted something that would provide our guests a quality night sleep. In this space, we selected the Classic Hybrid in the 11″ Plush. Similarly to our ES Duo, it provides the best in comfort of feeling throughly supported from head to toe, while also feeling cushy and comfy. Engineered Sleep recommends this mattress for guest rooms, kids rooms, secondary homes, etc. I highly recommend each line of mattresses from Engineered Sleep.
Discount Code and Sale
I have a discount code with Engineered Sleep! Use DBD15 for 15% off! However, they currently have their Memorial Day Sale going where you can get 15% off and two free pillows! And yes, they ship nationwide!