

Amazon: Lamp Finials

The finishing touch to every lamp is a pretty lamp finial. With so many options out there, don’t just leave those basic end cap finials.…

Amazon: Colorful Glassware

...beautiful glassware at wonderful prices! you'll enjoy filling your cabinet and entertaining with these modern and fresh glasses!

Amazon: Plant Stands

As I was recently putting our living room back together after the carpet and wallpaper install, I placed our umbrella stand by the door. As I continued to stare at it, I felt like something was missing. I added a plant stand and it looks so much better. Sometimes all you need is a little lift!

Amazon: Outdoor Covers

I'm so glad we invested in these outdoor covers for the furniture on our deck. Not only do they protect the cushions and furniture and keep everything underneath dry, but it opened up a ton of storage for us! I used to store the cushions inside in a closet; you can imagine how much room that took up! Now that I can leave the cushions outside under the covers, storage has been opened up for us! We also enjoy the space more because we don't have to haul cushions every time we want to sit outside; just pull off the cover! My husband was in charge of researching these. He looked into the specifics of outdoor materials and he said these were the best quality he could find.