Dining Room Sources

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Last week, I shared a quick snippet of some furniture I moved into the dining room and that led to me sharing a live on instagram. I have quite the grandmillennial dining room with a mix of traditional pieces and bright colors! I rounded up a lot of info and corralled all the linkable sources here. Much of what I find is vintage or antiques and passed down from family. Here are the dining room sources.

Huntboard Sources

Wood huntboard with modern lamps, silver service, classic gold mirror.
I hope to add some gold wheat sconces to finish this vignette soon!

While almost everything in this scene is from family or found vintage items, here’s what I can link:

Decorator Tip: For the perfect modern mix, use a modern base lamp (like the gourd lamp above) and top with a traditional pleated shade. Add a finial for additional interest and pizzazz.

Drapery Sources

Traditional drapes on classic gold rods.

Decorator Tip: Even if you don’t have pinch pleated drapes, attach the drapery hooks to the bag and hang the drapes on rings. It will still create a beautiful drape and is much more finished and tailored looking than a rod pocket, clips, or tab top. Please, for the love, do not attach a clip ring to the top of your drapes.

Turquoise Buffet Sources

Colorful chinoiserie dresser in a dining room creates wonderful buffet.

All of these pieces are found and pieces I’ve had a while! The dresser is painted in Rustoleum Turquoise.

Fireplace Sources

White fireplace and mantle with gold screen and abstract tree art framed in white flanked by large ginger jars.

I thrifted the mantle and commissioned a painting to anchor the piece. The ginger jars add a beautiful punctuation. The art is Riki Swalm.

Bench Seating

A green rustic bench with asian screen over it and needlepoint pillows.

I’m sorry I can’t link anything here–it’s all old and found!

Decorator Tip: To update vintage needlepoint pillows, create a new pillow with abstract, modern fabric to be a border around the needlepoint and the back. It’s like adding a matte to beautiful art!

More to Come

Because I’m never finished decorating, I have a few things I’d like to accomplish in this grandmillennial dining room space. I’m thinking I want to paint it a bright coral-y pink. I will likely paint a big piece of cardboard and move it around the room to be sure I like that. Having the space white has felt clean and crisp and allowed me to get the arrangement correct. I’m also adding wheat sconces over the chairs by the huntboard. That should finish that wall. And I’ve got a big empty wall that is our walkway. Furniture doesn’t do well there so I need a big piece of art; I’m thinking large chinoiserie panels. Stay tuned for these finishing touches!

If you enjoyed this tour, you’ll enjoy my grandmillennial bedroom updates!


I'm Anna Louise and I love designing, creating and sharing. Whether it's planning a gathering with friends, decorating a space in my home, or coordinating the perfect outfit--they're all areas I love adding my own style and flair! So let's move some furniture around, try on some clothes, set a pretty table, and have a great time!


  1. Shannon wrote:

    Where did you buy the actual drapes?

    Posted 6.18.22
    • alcarter23 wrote:

      I found a fabric remnant years ago in Williamston at All About Fabric and then I searched the internet for more of it. I bought the fabric from a store in California and had them made.

      Posted 6.21.22

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